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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization as Evidence of Muhammad’s Prophethood

By Editorial Staff

Same-Sex Marriage

Same-sex marriage legalization is evidence of Muhammad’s prophethood

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing the same-sex marriage has provoked great uproar all over the world, especially in the religious circles, specifically the Islamic ones. This decision has been met with outright rejection on the part of the Muslim scholars who made such statements which arouse feelings of fear and apprehension for the future of our world which increasingly flouts all religious, moral and even human regulations, rules, principles and restrictions.

Many people display deep pessimism about such flout, regard the same as great evil for all humanity and fear that mankind should fall down to such an immoral level which does not beseem the human honor God has given to man to the exclusion of all other creatures. They do not rule out the possibility that they may be woken one day to an inhuman world where man becomes the cheapest and lowest of all animate and even inanimate beings to the extent that an animal or a lifeless object may become more honorable than him which goes against the honor God has awarded him.

However, let’s have a more optimistic vision as commanded by Islam, avoid pessimism and rejoice whenever there is sufficient room for rejoice and optimism. In fact, there is nothing auspicious in this regard except the fact that this matter confirms Muhammad’s prophethood. Indeed, homosexuality and even the same-sex marriage were prophesied and warned against by Prophet Muhammad more than fourteen centuries ago and in such era where this phenomenon was not so widespread like now.

This definitely affirms Muhammad’s prophethood. He made many prophetic statements (hadiths) where he prohibited and warned against homosexuality and prophesied its outbreak and legalization towards the end of the world among other forms of immorality which were counted as the minor signs of the end of the world.

Let’s review together sample hadiths prophesying the legalization of homosexuality towards the end of the world and counting the same as minor signs of the end of the world.

Prophet Muhammad prophesied the legalization of homosexuality towards the end of the world and made clear that men will find (sexual) satisfaction with men and women will find (sexual) satisfaction with women. It is reported on the authority of Ibn Mas`ud that Prophet Muhammad said: “It is one of the signs and portents of the end of the world (“The Hour”) that men will find (sexual) satisfaction with men and women will find (sexual) satisfaction with women…” (At-Tabarany and Al-Bayhaqy)

It is reported on the authority of Abu Said Al-Khudry that Prophet Muhammad said: “God will catch up scholars as well as the knowledge they have. So juveniles will arise and copulate with one another as a camel copulates with a camel. The elderly will be then deemed weak…” (At-Tabarany)

Ibn Abbas reported that on the Farewell Pilgrimage Prophet Muhammad said: “May I inform you about the signs of the end of the world?” Then, Salman got up… Prophet Muhammad said: “It is one of the signs and portents of the end of the world that men will find (sexual) satisfaction with men and women will find (sexual) satisfaction with women. Lads will be jealously protected just like virgin maids (lest they should be taken as catamites)… (Ibn Mardawayh)

Obay (may God be pleased with him) reported: “We were informed about things that will take place at the end of the age of this community, i.e. towards the end of the world. They include: anal sex with one’s wife and bondwoman, though that is prohibited and detested by God and His Messenger; man’s (homosexual) sex with a man, though that is prohibited and detested by God and His Messenger; and woman’s (lesbian) sex with a woman, though that is prohibited and detested by God and His Messenger. The prayers of those people will not be accepted so long as they persevere in that (the stated offenses) until they turn to God in sincere repentance.” Obay was asked: “What is sincere repentance?” He replied: “I asked the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) about that and he answered: ‘It is regret over the offense you commit, seeking God’s forgiveness through your regret, and firm resolution not to commit it once again.’” (Recorded by Ad-Daraqutny in “Al-Afrad”, Al-Bayhaqy and Ibn An-Najjar)

Prophet Muhammad warned against men’s (sexual) satisfaction with men and women’s (sexual) satisfaction with women and indicated that it leads to the destruction of the community. It is reported on the authority of Anas that Prophet Muhammad said: “If my community does five things, they will end in destruction: if reciprocal curse becomes widespread among them, they consume alcohol, they (males) put on silk, they have songstresses, men find (sexual) satisfaction with men and women find (sexual) satisfaction with women,” (Al-Bayhaqy, Abu Nuaym and At-Tabarany)

In his title “Al-Ba`th Wa An-Nushur”, Al-Bayhaqy reported on the authority of Al-Hassan that `Otay said: “I went out in quest of knowledge. So I went to Kufa. There, I met with Abdullah ibn Mas`ud. So I wondered: ‘O Abu Abdul-Rahman, does the end of the world have any signs by which it can be recognized?’ He replied: ‘I asked the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) about that and he answered: ‘The signs of the end of the world include the following: that children will fill parents with rage, rain will come down in the burning summer heat, evil people will increase, good people will decrease, liars will be deemed truthful people, the truthful people will be deemed liars, the untrustworthy will be trusted, the trustworthy will be distrusted, every people will be ruled by their hypocrites, every market will be controlled by its wicked people, niches will be decorated, hearts will be ruined, men will find (sexual) satisfaction with men, women will find (sexual) satisfaction women, the world construction will be ruined, the world ruin will be reconstructed, trials will be commonplace, usury will be widely practiced, musical instruments and alcohol consumption will be widespread, and police officers, backbiters and slanderers will increase in number.’” (Al-Bayhaqy remarked: “Its chain of narration is weak but most of its wording was narrated through other chains of narration.”)

Prophet Muhammad warned those who indulge in the perverse sexual practices of the people of Prophet Lot and threatened them with a torment from heaven towards the end of the world. Ibn Abbas reported that Prophet Muhammad said: “The world will not come to an end until the heads of some peoples are hit by a meteor from the sky for their indulgence in the practices of the people of Lot.” (Ad-Daylamy)

Prophet Muhammad also threatened them with a painful wind. Anas reported that Prophet Muhammad said: “If women find (sexual) satisfaction with women and men find (sexual) satisfaction with men, bring them glad tidings about a red wind which will blow up from the east. So, some of them will be metamorphosed, while others will be sunk into the ground. That is due to their disobedience and transgression.” (Ad-Daylamy)

Prophet Muhammad prophesied that homosexuality is the reason why sinking into the ground and metamorphosis will take place at the end of the world. It is reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah that Prophet Muhammad said: “By the One in whose control is my life, this world will not come to an end until sinking, raining of stones and metamorphosis take place.” The Companions asked: “When will this take place, O Messenger of God?” He replied: “When you see women on saddles (rather than howdahs), songstresses increasing in number, perjury breaking out, men finding (sexual) satisfaction with men and women finding (sexual) satisfaction with women.” (Al-Mustadrak, Al-Mujam Al-Awsat and Majma Az-Zawaid)



1- Al-Mu`jam Al-Awsat, by At-Tabarany

2- Al-Ba`th Wa An-Nushur, by Al-Bayhaqy

3- Al-Afrad, by Ad-Daraqutny

4- Al-Mustadrak, by Al-Hakim

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