
God (Allah) is Most Gracious, Most Merciful

The names and attributes of God include “Most Gracious” and “Most Merciful”. If God cannot show ...

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God (Allah) is the Light

One of the names and attributes of God is the “Light”. The Bible quotes Jesus as saying that he ...

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God (Allah) is the Judge

One of the names and attributes of God is “the Judge”. Since God is the true Judge, and Jesus’ ...

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God (Allah) is the Trier & the Tester

The names and attributes of God include “Trier” and “Tester”. Since Jesus was tried, tested and ...

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God (Allah) is the Guide

One of the names and attributes of God is “the Guide”. The Bible quotes Jesus as ascribing guid ...

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God (Allah) is Omniscient & All-knowing

The names and attributes of God include “the Omniscient” and “the All-knowing”. The New Testame ...

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God (Allah) is the Most Just

If Jesus was really a righteous, innocent, peaceful man, is it just to let him get crucified an ...

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God (Allah) is the Savior & Deliverer

The names and attributes of God include “the Savior” and “the Deliverer”. How can Jesus be God ...

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Who is God

Who is God in Christianity & Islam?

Who is God in Christianity & Islam? Is He One God or three (the Trinity)? Is Jesus God or son o ...

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The Helper one of the names and attributes of god

God (Allah) is the Helper

The names and attributes of God include “the Helper” and “the One Whose Help is Sought”. How ca ...

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