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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse?

By Editorial Staff

Do you believe in Prophet Muhammad? If not, Why? Do you not agree that a person may be rightly judged by his/her reactions especially to personal abuse? What if such reactions are always great?

Just give yourself the chance to know Prophet Muhammad well before deciding to believe or disbelieve in him. Review this post to know how great Prophet Muhammad and how great his reactions were. You will see that his reactions were always prophetic even when he was deeply offended and personally abused. His manners were always those of a prophet even when insulted.

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse?

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part I)

Prophet Muhammad forgave Suhayl ibn `Amr and pardoned Safwan ibn Umayyah and gave him a generous grant …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part II)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part II)

Prophet Muhammad forgave `Umayr ibn Wahb, Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith and `Amr ibn Al-`Aas who all used to either satirize him or wished to kill him.

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part III)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part III)

Prophet Muhammad forgave `Urwah who talked to him impolitely and stretched his hand out towards his beard and `Abdullah ibn Abi Al-Sarh who accused him of fabrication …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part IV)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part IV)

Prophet Muhammad refused to defer to the advice of some of his Companions who believed that the polytheistic captives of Mecca should have been beheaded …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part V)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part V)

Prophet Muhammad agreed to adjourn his minor pilgrimage and return to Medina in order to avoid fighting against Quraysh and any likely bloodshed …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VI)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VI)

Prophet Muhammad forgave and released the captives of Hawazin and Thaqif and refused to continue his siege to the forts of Al-Taif to avoid annihilating its people …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VII)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VII)

Prophet Muhammad not only forgave but also supplicated and sought forgiveness for Shaybah ibn `Uthman though the latter was going to assassinate him …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VIII)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part VIII)

Prophet Muhammad tolerated `Uyaynah ibn Hisn’s abuse and betrayal and refused to kill him though he was such a hypocrite who did not really convert to Islam ..

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part IX)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part IX)

Prophet Muhammad was tolerant towards murderers, mutilators, satirical poets, harsh Bedouins, and double-faced hypocrites …

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How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part X)

How did Prophet Muhammad React to Personal Abuse? (Part X)

Prophet Muhammad tried to avoid bloodshed as far as possible upon the Conquest of Mecca though its people drove him out and conspired to assassinate him …

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