There are pieces of evidence and indications in the Bible which are enough to impel us to disbe ...
We spotlight prominent Christians who embraced Islam in Prophet Muhammad’s lifetime. Could thos ...
There were early Christian denominations that held firm to monotheism and rejected Trinity sinc ...
Since the cross is the symbol of Christianity, we had dialogue with it and ask it some question ...
Despite the establishment of the Trinity in the Council of Nicaea, monotheism lasted and had st ...
Monotheism was the predominant doctrine in Jesus' lifetime, but Ascension affected it and gave ...
Let’s discuss what Jesus said about himself and interpret the verses with equivocal indications ...
Jesus is not the only begotten son of God. Begetting does not beseem the greatness of God. It i ...
Jesus is not the son of God literally but metaphorically given that there are so many people ar ...
Jesus and God are not one given the impossibility that God, Jesus, the disciples are one, that ...
Jesus is not in God, neither is God in Jesus. The verses indicating that in the New Testament h ...
Jesus is the prophet and Messenger of God according to the New Testament, which confirms that h ...
Jesus is the “Word of God” for he was created by a word from God “Be” and used to speak the wor ...
God is the real Savior. Jesus is not the Savior literally but metaphorically. Jesus is not the ...
Jesus as well as the prophets and scriptures of God are the way. But God only is the “Truth” an ...
Jesus is not life or life-giver literally but metaphorically. Life is given by belief in God an ...