
Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is not the son of God literally but metaphorically given that there are so many people ar ...

Are Jesus and God one?

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus and God are not one given the impossibility that God, Jesus, the disciples are one, that ...


Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is not in God, neither is God in Jesus. The verses indicating that in the New Testament h ...


Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is the prophet and Messenger of God according to the New Testament, which confirms that h ...


Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is the “Word of God” for he was created by a word from God “Be” and used to speak the wor ...


Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

God is the real Savior. Jesus is not the Savior literally but metaphorically. Jesus is not the ...

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus as well as the prophets and scriptures of God are the way. But God only is the “Truth” an ...

Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is not life or life-giver literally but metaphorically. Life is given by belief in God an ...

Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is not the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, or the First and Last. It is G ...

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus according to Jesus?

Jesus is not the light of the world literally but metaphorically and other human beings, like J ...

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Judaism, Christianity and Islam: there is no faith called “Judaism” in the Old Testament, nor i ...

Who is the Father of Jesus?

Who is the Father of Jesus?

Being fatherless in Islam, Jesus is often referred to in the Islamic scriptures as “the son of ...

Jesus in Islam

Jesus the Messiah – Audio Book

Listen to this audio book to know what Islam says about Mary, the Virgin, and the status of Jes ...


Was Jesus a Muslim?

No wonder, Muslims do love Jesus. A person cannot be Muslim without believing in Jesus. Muslims ...


Will Christians Go to Hell?

Watch this video to listen to Dr. Zakir while answering the above question in detail and indica ...


Christian Londoner Embraces Islam after Seeing Jesus and Muhammad in his Dreams

Watch this video to know how the Christian Londoner, Anthony, saw Jesus Christ and Prophet Muha ...