There is no denying that all divine religions prohibit gossip and curse and penalize those who ...
Indeed, all divine religions prohibit rape, dispraise rapists and mete out severe punishment to ...
Altruism is when a person cares for others’ needs more than his own, despite his need. He might ...
In their fight against cancer scientists found how fasting impact the growth and spread of tumo ...
In this video, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat proved by quoting from the original Bible in Hebrew the vers ...
“If all you said is true, then I am sure that this Prophet’s Kingdom will reach here where I am ...
Thus, we can conclude that there is only one Qur’an which Allah meant to bear as much meanings ...
It’s not just a conversion story as it may seem, neither is it a recited poem or story. Rather, ...
It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia t ...
Sheikh Ahmad Deedat speaks about the nature of the Bible and the shocking and strange things it ...
What is salvation? What is the difference between salvation in Islam, Christianity and Islam? H ...
How to ensure that your repentance has been accepted? What are the steps of repentance? ...
This article proves that if Quran came from someone besides God, then we would find in it many ...
Did Prophet Jesus predict the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the Bible? ...
History, logic, objectivity, and scholarly research all reject the notion that the Prophet Muha ...
How indescribable the feeling of submitting oneself to God, of being a sincere worshiper and se ...