Christians conclude that He is a Son of God, but Muslims insist that he is not a Son of God, th ...
According to Islam, Allah taught Jesus writing, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel as a messenger ...
It is curious enough that the Qur’an cites miracles performed by Jesus of which the New Testame ...
Muslims believe that Jesus was the Messiah prophesied in the Jewish texts and that the people w ...
Watch this video to listen to Dr. Gary Miller, also known as Abdul-Ahad Omar, while proving tha ...
Watch this video to listen to Dr. Zakir while answering the above question in detail and indica ...
Houris or heavenly wives are not strange to or absent from the Holy Scriptures, including Bible ...
Muslims believe in the Judgment Day and also believe that it has certain signs to take place be ...
Who is Jesus in Christianity and Islam? Is Jesus God, Son of God or both God and Son of God? Is ...