Is the Qur’an Muhammad’s or Allah’s Word?

Is the Qur’an Muhammad’s or Allah’s Word?

There is a chapter (Surah) in the Noble Qur’an bearing the name of “Maryam” (Mary). The referre ...

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Merits of Jesus in Islam

Muslims share with Christians reverence and esteem of Jesus, with a reservation that he was nei ...

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mentioning the name of Prophet Muhammad in Hebrew

Prophecy in Bible about Prophet Muhammad

Who is the prophet who resembles Prophet Moses most? ...

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Muhammad in the Bible

Does Muhammad Fit the Prophecies Mentioned in the Bible?

In this video, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat proved by quoting from the original Bible in Hebrew the vers ...

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Did Jesus Predict the Coming of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible?

Did Prophet Jesus predict the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the Bible? ...

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Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible

Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) foretold in the Bible? ...

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Holy bible

Have the Writers of the Bible ever Met or Seen Jesus?

Have the writers of the Bible ever met or seen Jesus? ...

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Muhammad in the bible

Was Muhammad Mentioned in the Bible? (1/2)

Indeed, the incident of the migration of the Prophet and his persecuted followers is vividly de ...

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Exact Biblical Verses about Muhammad

Do you know the Exact verses indicate that the Prophet, peace be upon him, is mentioned in the ...

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A page from the Bible that has red letters

What Is the Story of the Red Letter Bible?

What is the story of the Red Letter Bible? ...

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