Muslims believe that some of the People of the Book, including Jews and Christians, will believ ...
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also prophesied that Jesus will come back to uphold Islam ...
Prophet Muhammad never was aggressive against any man or class of men; he never penalized any m ...
Frequent questions are asked by people everywhere and every time: is there God? Does God exist? ...
The author argues that Islam does not depend on the penalty of death for keeping its followers ...
Not only does Islam recognize that Mary was virgin, but it also dismisses anybody alleging that ...
Allah teaches Muslims in the Qur’an that when dialogue with non-Muslims reaches an impasse they ...
It is safe to say that, unlike Jews, both Christians and Muslims hold Mary in high esteem. Howe ...
No wonder, Muslims do love Jesus. A person cannot be Muslim without believing in Jesus. Muslims ...
Christians conclude that He is a Son of God, but Muslims insist that he is not a Son of God, th ...
According to Islam, Allah taught Jesus writing, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel as a messenger ...
Some Christians believe that Jesus is God, others that he is the son of God, others take him an ...
It is curious enough that the Qur’an cites miracles performed by Jesus of which the New Testame ...
The contemporary Christianity is nearer to the polytheistic paganism and farther from the monot ...
Christianity between pure spirituality and worldly desire: discover the dark history and major ...
In Christianity, bowing down and prostration may be made for God and others. In Islam, bowing d ...