The Deity

God (Allah) is the Deity

One of the names and attributes of God is “the Deity”. The Islamic conception of “the Deity” so ...

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Lord and God

Terms of Lordship and Godhood in the Qur’an and the Bible

In many cases, the usage of the terms of lordship and godhood in the Holy Scriptures is not int ...

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Is Jesus Worthy of Worship?

Jesus cannot be God. God cannot worship or pray to God. To worship or pray to someone else impl ...

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mentioning the name of Prophet Muhammad in Hebrew

Prophecy in Bible about Prophet Muhammad

Who is the prophet who resembles Prophet Moses most? ...

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Who is the Father of Jesus?

Who is the Father of Jesus?

Being fatherless in Islam, Jesus is often referred to in the Islamic scriptures as “the son of ...

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Muhammad in the Bible

Does Muhammad Fit the Prophecies Mentioned in the Bible?

In this video, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat proved by quoting from the original Bible in Hebrew the vers ...

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What Did They Say about the Prophet Muhammad?

What Did They Say about the Prophet Muhammad?

It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia t ...

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Did Jesus Predict the Coming of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible?

Did Prophet Jesus predict the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the Bible? ...

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Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (3/3)

Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (3/3)

This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approv ...

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Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible

Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) foretold in the Bible? ...

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