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Islam & Racism

Do you know that all forms of racism are forbidden in Islam? Do you know that Prophet Muhammad prohibited any manifestation of racism?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) forbade `asabiyah (“racism” in English). Abu Dawud narrated that Prophet Muhammad said, “He is not one us who calls for `asabiyah or who fights for `asabiyah or who dies for `asabiyah.”

Do you know that Islam does not care about race or skin color? Do you know that Islam does not deem race or skin color rightful grounds for preference? Do you know how Islam sees difference in race and skin color?

Islam sees difference in race and skin color as a manifestation of the greatness of God’s creation. In the Qur’an, God says:

And among His Signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. Verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge. (Ar-Rum 30:22)

Watch this video to know the Islamic attitude towards racism.


Source: PeaceTV.

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