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Who is Jesus according to Jesus?
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
How Islam Can Help Us Stop Smoking

It is universally understood that cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that oft ...

Why did Muhammad Ali Clay Choose Islam?

See this video to know why Muhammad Ali Clay reverted to Islam and how he became one of the mos ...

Forgiveness and Pardon in Islam

Muslims are commanded to show forgiveness to one another and even non-Muslims Forgiveness is a ...

Christian Londoner Embraces Islam after Seeing Jesus and Muhammad in his Dreams

Watch this video to know how the Christian Londoner, Anthony, saw Jesus Christ and Prophet Muha ...

American Rapper MC Router Reverts to Islam

Watch this video to know how the two faces of MC Router and Abedah do still belong to the same ...

World Water Day

Being the most important element of nature, water in Islam in terms of importance and necessity ...

Jesus as the Servant, Messenger and Prophet of God

Who is Jesus in Christianity and Islam? Is Jesus God, Son of God or both God and Son of God? Is ...

Hijab (Veil) between the Bible and the Qur’an

Hijab was made incumbent by all divine messages, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Hij ...

Did Muhammad Proclaim the Inferiority of Women?

Prophet Muhammad wanted to warn Muslim women against the misdeeds which are more likely to caus ...

Did Muhammad Advocate the Oppression of Women?

Were the Prophet’s teachings based on his personal knowledge, experience or the conditions of t ...

Is the Qur’an Copied from Other Sources?

Muhammad had a well-known impeccable character and it was known that he was illiterate and ther ...

Kindness in Islam

Islam commands kindness towards everything in this universe, including people, animals and even ...

Forbearance in Islam

Forbearance is one of the qualities most liked by God. Since forbearance is an attribute of God ...