Comparison between the Quran and the Most Important Current Scriptures
Tue, 22 Oct 2024

Biodiversity in the Qur’an

Biodiversity in the Qur'an

The verses of the Qur’an paid the living beings on the earth so special attention

By: Prof. Dr. Nazmy Khalil Abu Al-Ata Musa

Biodiversity is the disparity, difference and multiplicity of the living beings on the earth. There is a variety of plans, animals, and bacterial, fungal and viral microorganisms as well as protista. Under such parities and disparities, genres, kinds, categories and subcategories are subsumed. Within such genres, there are genes, genetic molecules, and nitrogenous bases, including adenine, guanine, thiamin, and cytosine which are connected together by nitrogen bonds and ordered by such reconciliations and alterations which guarantee demonstrating diversity and difference resulting in multiplicity.

Therefore, we will deal with the genres, categories, forms, functions and constructions of the animal and botanical living beings as well as the microorganisms cited in the Qur’an.

While the genetic bases of all living beings are the same, which decisively indicates that the Creator is also the same, the differences in the genetic structure and the external, internal and functional characteristics indicate that God, Glorified and Exalted be He, is Most-Creative, Almighty and Most-Gracious.

The Holy Qur’an is the Book of God, Glorified and Exalted be He, and His final miracle which concludes the heavenly messages. It was revealed to distract people from the material and physical miracles to such a scholarly, educational and learning miracle.

The verses of the Qur’an paid the living beings on the earth so special attention that many chapters of the Qur’an are named after them (e.g. Al-Baqarah (Cow), Al-An`am (Cattle), An-Nahl (Bees), An-Naml (Ants), Al-`Ankabut (Spider), Al-`Adiyat (Horses), Al-Fil (Elephant), Al-Insan (Man), Al-Tin (Fig), and An-Nas (Mankind)).

In the animal field, the verses of the Qur’an make mention of the following animals: camels, mosquitoes, spiders, bees, snakes, locusts, horses, mules, donkeys, serpents, pigs, mounts, the beast of the earth, birds, sheep, frogs, cattle, crows, monkeys, lice, dogs, pearls, molars, hoopoes etc.

In the botanical field, the verses of the Qur’an make mention of the following plants: grass, tamarisk, onions, legumes, figs, mustard, pomegranate, nabk, ears, trees, sheaths, spathes, lentils, clusters, husks, grapes, fruits, garlics, cucumbers, pellicles, camphor, date stones, pumpkins etc.

Microorganisms are implied in the Holy Qur’an. We read:

“I swear by whatever you see and by whatever you do not see that this Qur’an is not the word of a poet or a soothsayer, but it is a Revelation from the lord of the worlds, which is being presented by the Messenger who is noble and gentle.” (Al-Haqqah 69:38-40)

The verses of the Qur’an refer to the animal, botanical and human variations like wools, fibers and hairs. We read:

“And out of their wool, and their soft fibres (between wool and hair), and their hair, rich stuff and articles of convenience (to serve you) for a time.” (An-Nahl 16:80)

The verses of the Quran also handle their manners of walking. We read:

“Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.” (An-Nur 24:45)

The verses of the Qur’an also highlight the variations of plants. We read:

“And He it is who causes gardens to grow, [both] trellised and untrellised, and palm trees and crops of different [kinds of] food and olives and pomegranates, similar and dissimilar. Eat of [each of] its fruit when it yields and give its due [zakah] on the day of its harvest. And be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess.” (Al-An`am 6:141)

We also read:

“Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.” (An-Nur 24:45)

Classification of Creatures by Movement

Allah makes animal classification by movement. He says:

“Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.” (An-Nur 24:45)

“And of them are those that move on their bellies”

Some animals, like serpents, vermiform lizards and apodal vermiform amphibians, depend on their body muscles and skeletal system for movement on bellies. (Biodiversity of Animals in Kuwait, (Field Study), Sharon L. Jaman, Robin Meakins, Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait, p. 140, 1998 A.D.)

Apodal vertebrates move in the following manners: serpentine movement, concertina movement, side winding movement and rectilinear movement. The various types of snakes uses one or more of the above four movements. As far as the apodal and vermiform lizards and vermiform amphibians are concerned, they use the serpentine movement. Fossorial vertebrates use the rectilinear movement during digging their holes and tunnels. (The Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an, Animal Section, Abdul-Hafiz Helmy Muhammad, Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, Kuwait, ed. 1, p. 389, 1999 A.D.)

As for Allolobophora, it is a species of (phylum: analida) which lives in the soil, build holes and moves in the soil in a vermiform movement using their body muscles.

As to the larva of Musca domestica vicina, its body consists of 12 muscles. It has no limbs, but have thorny locomotory pads which help it move in the nutrient medium in which it lives.

The larvae of pulex irritans have no limbs but they move on their bellies using spicules (Practical Animal Biology, Ahmad Hammad Al-Hussaini and Emile Shenouda Demian, Dar Al-Ma`arif, Egypt, ed. 4, vol. 2, p. 182 and 174.

“And of them are those that walk on two legs”

Birds and humans walk on two legs. Some monkeys can walk on two legs for a short distance.

“And of them are those that walk on four”

There are animals which walk on four legs like sheep, ewes, cows, donkeys, horses, mules, gazelles and other animals. There are also some reptiles which walk on four legs.

Such a distinguished classification involves biological diversity when it comes to animals.

Birds, flies, butterflies, bees and, at some stages, some ants move using wings. We read:

“Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up except Allah . Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.” (An-Nahl 16:79)

We also read:

“Do they not see the birds above them with wings outspread and [sometimes] folded in? None holds them [aloft] except the Most Merciful. Indeed He is, of all things, Seeing.” (Al-Mulk 67:19)


Source: Akhbar Al-Khalij, Ma`a Al-Sa’imin, ed. 12182, Sunday, Ramadan 1st 1431 A.H., corresponding to August 1st 2011 A.D.

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