Imam Yahya Graff

From a Christian to a Houston Imam: Yahya John Graff

From a Christian to not just a Muslim, but also a prominent imam and teacher in Huston, Texas, ...

muslim convert

From His Death Bed, Convert to Islam Peter Speaks

Fifteen years now a Muslim, Peter describes his life-changing journey; how he found faith, his ...

Indian Actress Converts to Islam

The Indian actress liked the principles of Islam and hence, took the decision to join the world ...

Colombian football team

Entire Football Team Finds Islam in Dubai

During a training camp in the Gulf country Islam touched the hearts of all the members of this ...

French rapper Diam’s talks about her conversion to Islam

Happiness Like I Never Felt before: Former French Rapper Diam’s

How did Diam's find God? How does she feel being Muslim wearing hijab? And how does she feel be ...

NRL Bad Boy Blake Ferguson prays at Zetland Mosque

Blake Ferguson Converts to Islam

A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been living? ...

testimony of faith

The Two Testimonies of the Islamic Faith

As there can be no building without a concrete foundation there likewise will be no benefit or ...

I am so very glad that I am a Muslim.

Aminah Assilmi: Without Islam I’m Nothing

With no husband, no children, no family, no friends, and no job Aminah stood firm to only earn ...

Khalil Meek

From a Christian Preacher to a Muslim Community Leader: Khalil Meek

What did make a Christian of such a conservative upbringing, who always believed in Christianit ...

Brother Paul

Brother Paul: It Takes Time to Learn What Islam Is about

Brother Paul, an American new Muslim tells his conversion story to Islam; how he learned about ...