Women & Original Sin

Women and Original Sin between Qur’an and Bible

We observe that some women die of pregnancies and their pains are increased. Why does God punis ...

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Glossary of Sexual Terminology in Bible and their Counterparts in Qur’an

Without taking the trouble to prove that the “Bible” is distorted, everybody agrees that there ...

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Only begotten son of God

Is Jesus Really the Only Begotten Son of God?

Jesus is not the only begotten son of God. Begetting does not beseem the greatness of God. It i ...

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Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Judaism, Christianity and Islam: there is no faith called “Judaism” in the Old Testament, nor i ...

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Lord and God

Terms of Lordship and Godhood in the Qur’an and the Bible

In many cases, the usage of the terms of lordship and godhood in the Holy Scriptures is not int ...

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Crucifixion in the Gospels of Judas and Barnabas and Apocalypse of Peter

In this article, the author argues that the Muslim belief against Jesus’ crucifixion is support ...

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Picture of the Bible

Who is the Writer of the Bible?

Who is the writer of the bible? Is Qur’an copied from the Bible? Click here to watch the answer ...

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A Copy of the Holy Qur'an

Are There Synoptic Qur’ans like the Synoptic Gospels?

Thus, we can conclude that there is only one Qur’an which Allah meant to bear as much meanings ...

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picture of the bible

Is the Bible a Divine Book?

Sheikh Ahmad Deedat speaks about the nature of the Bible and the shocking and strange things it ...

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Qur’an or Bible: Which Is God’s Words?

What is the Bible? What is the difference between the Bible, the Torah, and the Injeel? Which i ...

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