The Helper one of the names and attributes of god

God (Allah) is the Helper

The names and attributes of God include “the Helper” and “the One Whose Help is Sought”. How ca ...

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The First and the Last- names and attributes of god

God (Allah) is the First and the Last

The names and attributes of God include “the First” and “the Last”. Jesus is a creature of God ...

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God (Allah) is Life-giver & Death-causer

The names and attributes of God include the “Life-giver” and “Death-causer”. It is God Who gave ...

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God (Allah) is the Ever-living

The names and attributes of God include “the Ever-living” and “the Everlasting”. How can Jesus ...

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God (Allah) is the Sustainer

One of the names and attributes of God is “Sustainer”. Who sustained the universe before the bi ...

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God (Allah) is the Self-sufficient

The names and attributes of God include “Self-sufficient”; how can Jesus be God though he neede ...

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Most Great

God (Allah) is the Most Great

One of the names and attributes of God is the Most Great. Since Jesus is the servant and messen ...

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God (Allah) is the Most High

The names and attributes of God include “the High” and “the Most High”. Is Jesus the “Most High ...

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God (Allah) is the Transcendent

The names and attributes of God include Transcendent, Superior and Exalted. How can Jesus be Go ...

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The Creator

God (Allah) is the Creator

One of the names and attributes of God is the Creator. The Bible quotes Jesus as attributing cr ...

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