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Who is Jesus according to Jesus?
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Did Muhammad Permit Wife-Beating?

We remark that the countries where domestic violence rates are the highest ever worldwide are n ...

Why did Muhammad Marry Several Women?

Prophet Muhammad was driven by the goal to ensure that his mission as the Messenger of God was ...

Wife Beating

Are women inferior to men? How can understand verse 34 of Surat al-Nisaa'? What about wife beat ...

Houris (Heavenly Wives) in Paradise

Houris or heavenly wives are not strange to or absent from the Holy Scriptures, including Bible ...

Hijab (Veil) between the Bible and the Qur’an

Hijab was made incumbent by all divine messages, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Hij ...

Did Muhammad Proclaim the Inferiority of Women?

Prophet Muhammad wanted to warn Muslim women against the misdeeds which are more likely to caus ...

Did Muhammad Advocate the Oppression of Women?

Were the Prophet’s teachings based on his personal knowledge, experience or the conditions of t ...