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Who is Jesus according to Jesus?
أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Women: Before and after Islam

How did the Romans and Arabs before Islam treat woman? How was woman looked upon and considered ...

Fraternity between Migrants and Ansaris as Unique Social Integration

Fraternity between the Migrants and the Ansaris was a unique experience of the social integrati ...

The Status of the Elderly in Islam

Compassion and respect towards the elderly constitute an essential element of the Islamic condu ...

Shura as the Islamic Version of Democracy

Islam neither totally accepts democracy nor totally rejects it. It has a better alternative, na ...

Despair and Suicide in Islam

In the Qur'an, there is a warning against suicide. The Qur'an makes it clear that human life is ...

Good Kinship Relationship in Islam

Islam urges good kinship relationship, praises those who maintain good kinship relationship and ...

Literacy and Seeking Knowledge in Islam

The pursuit of knowledge is important in Islam. Prophet Muhammad encouraged his followers to at ...

Humanitarian Action in Islam

The Islamic scriptures calling for humanitarian action are numerous. They are either of an obli ...

Youth in Islam

Islam takes very special care of the youth, and urges youngsters to make the best use of this v ...

Manners of Companionship in Islam

The example of believers, in their mutual love and mercy is like the example of a body, if one ...

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization as Evidence of Muhammad’s Prophethood

Homosexuality and even same-sex marriage were prophesied and warned against by Prophet Muhammad ...

Cooperation in Islam

Islamic solidarity means helping one another, standing shoulder to shoulder, supporting and adv ...

Fathers in Islam

Fathers are significant because they are commanded by Allah to work hard to address the physica ...

Islam against Drug Abuse

The Qur'anic legislation concerning the total abstinence from using intoxicants gives Islam a d ...

Child’s Right to Care and Education before Work and Obligation

It is safe to say that Islam gives children many rights and is concerned with their spiritual, ...

Children are Blessings not Possessions

Parents, extended families, guardians and the Muslim community at large have been given a trust ...