Being fatherless in Islam, Jesus is often referred to in the Islamic scriptures as “the son of ...
Listen to this audio book to know what Islam says about Mary, the Virgin, and the status of Jes ...
The FAMOUS EPIC question which NO CHRISTIAN can answer , "Show us a clear cut passage in the Bi ...
Know whether Jesus was the "Son of Man or Son of God?". The article aims to explore the reality ...
Read such an invaluable article on the miracles of Jesus. Read: Could the Miracles of Jesus Be ...
Read this fabilous paper which explores the Muslim's relation to Prophet Jeses. It shows the re ...
Muslims do not bother themselves a lot with Christmas itself as a baseless observance. They rat ...
The birth of Jesus accounts in the New Testament are illogical, whereas their counterparts in t ...
Jesus was born without a father in the first place. He has a miraculous life with two earthly l ...
Though Muslims and Christians agree on Ascension, Christians believe Resurrection happened afte ...
As for Muslims, they think that Jesus is the Son of Mary and a servant, Prophet and Messenger o ...
Muslims believe that some of the People of the Book, including Jews and Christians, will believ ...
No wonder, Muslims do love Jesus. A person cannot be Muslim without believing in Jesus. Muslims ...
Christians conclude that He is a Son of God, but Muslims insist that he is not a Son of God, th ...
According to Islam, Allah taught Jesus writing, wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel as a messenger ...
Jesus is the servant and slave of God according to the Bible. This is a fact which many transla ...