What does God say about adultery?

Prohibition of Fornication & Adultery

We observe that the prohibition of adultery is one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah. In the ...

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The Commandments of Islam (1/3)

  Noble brothers and sisters, let the path you tread in your relationship with society and othe ...

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The Commandments of Islam (3/3)

How does Islam lay the basis for regulating personal behaviour and social relations? How does I ...

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The Commandments of Islam (2/3)

Islam commands love and unity, and forbids that one disassociates from others as well as all ot ...

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Corporal Punishments

Corporal Punishments between the Bible and the Qur’an

Corporal (physical) punishments in the Bible are more in number and harsher in severity than th ...

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