Khamr (wine)

Khamr (Intoxicants) between Islam and Christianity

Khamr (intoxicants) is prohibited in crystal clear terms according to the Qur’an, Prophet Muham ...

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drug abuse

Islam against Drug Abuse

The Qur'anic legislation concerning the total abstinence from using intoxicants gives Islam a d ...

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Colombian football team

Entire Football Team Finds Islam in Dubai

During a training camp in the Gulf country Islam touched the hearts of all the members of this ...

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NRL Bad Boy Blake Ferguson prays at Zetland Mosque

Blake Ferguson Converts to Islam

A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been living? ...

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Sonny Bill Williams

Sonny Bill Williams: Islam Made Me the Man I Am Today

World's best rugby league player of New Zealand reflects on his exhilarating life-changing expe ...

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Apostasy is losing way

Apostasy in Islam

The noble Qur'an teaches us that there is no compulsion in religion. Does the punishment for ap ...

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