Prophet Muhammad was driven by the goal to ensure that his mission as the Messenger of God was ...
Are women inferior to men? How can understand verse 34 of Surat al-Nisaa'? What about wife beat ...
One of the most important principles in Islam is social justice with all important values that ...
Prophet Muhammad tried to avoid bloodshed as far as possible upon the Conquest of Mecca though ...
Prophet Muhammad was tolerant towards murderers, mutilators, satirical poets, harsh Bedouins, a ...
Prophet Muhammad tolerated `Uyaynah ibn Hisn’s abuse and betrayal and refused to kill him thoug ...
Prophet Muhammad not only forgave but also supplicated and sought forgiveness for Shaybah ibn ` ...
Prophet Muhammad forgave and released the captives of Hawazin and Thaqif and refused to continu ...
Listen to this audio book to discover the truth about Prophet Muhammad and know what he inspire ...
Prophet Muhammad agreed to adjourn his minor pilgrimage and return to Medina in order to avoid ...
Prophet Muhammad refused to defer to the advice of some of his Companions who believed that the ...
Prophet Muhammad forgave `Urwah who talked to him impolitely and stretched his hand out towards ...
Prophet Muhammad forgave `Umayr ibn Wahb, Abu Sufyan ibn Al-Harith and `Amr ibn Al-`Aas who all ...
Prophet Muhammad forgave Suhayl ibn `Amr and pardoned Safwan ibn Umayyah and gave him a generou ...
Is Prophet Muhammad’s history with Jews rife with harm to them? Was he an anti-Jewish character ...
Had Prophet Muhammad really been anti-Jewish, he would have persecuted Jews since the dawn of h ...